Actar Publishers es una editorial establecida en Nueva York, con sede en Barcelona, España. El programa de publicaciones de Actar se centra en el trabajo de arquitectos y diseñadores, tanto emergentes como consolidados, entre los que se incluyen OMA/ Rem Koolhaas, FMA/ Farshid Moussavi Architecture, MVRDV/ Winy Maas, UN Studio/ Ben van Berkel, SANAA/ Kazuyo Sejima, Massimiliano & Doriana Fuksas, Diller + Scofidio, Toyo Ito, Sanford Kwinter, Vicente Guallart, y Aaron Betsky.
Actar Publishers is a New York based publishing house, with an office in Barcelona, Spain. Actar's publishing program is focused on the works of established and emerging architects and designers including OMA / Rem Koolhaas, FMA / Farshid Moussavi Architecture, MVRDV / Winy Maas, UN Studio / Ben van Berkel, SANAA / Kazuyo Sejima, Massimiliano & Doriana Fuksas, Diller + Scofidio, Toyo Ito, Sanford Kwinter, Vicente Guallart, and Aaron Betsky.
Making it Modern. The History of Modernism in Architecture and Design, Aaron Betsky. Actar Publishers, 2016.
Total Latin American Architecture. Libretto of Modern Reflections & Contemporary Works, Ana de Brea. Actar Publishers, 2016.
Treacherous Transparencies. Thoughts and Observations Triggered by a Visit to Farnsworth House, Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron. Actar Publishers & IITAC, 2016.
MCHAP BOOK ONE. The Americas, Fabrizio Gallanti. Actar Publishers & IITAC, 2016.